Monday 6 February 2012

Mid-morning visibility reveals an Eider invasion

Thanks Janet - these were the closest ones!
Heysham Obs
One of the least auspicious days on the ringing front - Twite net fired by accident and the birds did not return, a readable Shag ring missed because of no steadying tripod available (you can't hand-hold a scope on 50x), the 2CY Med Gull also flying off unread and about 5 birds in 5 hours 'ringing' by the office.  Must do better, starting with some bread for the Med

Distant Eider were prominent once the weather cleared, mostly in the outer Kent channel at a range where, with 50 x, you could just about ensure there were no drake kings

Harbour area
Shag - the six juveniles still by the waterfall.  One of these is ringed on the right leg - perhaps the most 'ginger' of the six remaining birds.  The only chance of reading this ring is when it sits on the platform. Please note that the first important thing is not to try and read as many numbers as possible but to see where the 'join' is on the ring and therefore work out what the last number is, then work back.  A Shag which has definitely been ringed in 2011 (as this bird) should be traceable on the last four numbers, and certainly the last five.  If the join is not visible and the last number not viewable, please try and read the rest as it should be traceable to location although obviously not individual.  Thanks.
Kittiwake - still 5 around this morning
Meadow Pipit - one sandworks
Song Thrush - one mound
Blackbird - female sandworks
Twite - just 5
Med Gull - 2 adults and the 2CY was up at the zoo cafe end of the north wall

Eider - 208
Great-crested Grebe - 4

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